Student Learning Journey Blogs

Saturday, 28 February 2015

Flashback Friday

I hope everyone is having a great weekend, what a beautiful day we are having.  A bit late with the "Flashback Friday" but nonetheless here it is for you to view.

  • This week, we are well and truly into our class routines.  Students are showing good self-managing skills in terms of getting organised in the morning and following expectations (with a bit of room for improvement but we are nearly there!)  
  • The FRoGS Spelling Programme was up and running this week with the first lot of testing to begin on Monday.
  • As usual basketball coaching by the RAMS on Tuesdays is always a highlight for the kids and their participation was fantastic again this week.  
  • We have also been given the opportunity to do some gardening with Lily on a fortnightly basis, thanks to the organisation of the Eco Warriors.  The weather has been great and we are learning lots of interesting things about backyard gardening.  
  • Finally, just a note to say thank you to our amazing Room 5 students who have already taken a turn with organising weekly prayers.  They have shown excellent independence, organisation and thoughtfulness when preparing each mornings prayer activities.  Keep up the great work.  

 Mrs. Marston

Friday, 20 February 2015

Flashback Friday

Week 3 highlights:
  • Students have continued to enjoy basketball coaching sessions with the Canterbury Rams players.  We have some basketball stars in the making!
  •   The Lenten season has begun and it was lovely to see so many parents join us at the Ash Wednesday Mass this week.  In class, students shared some of the things they are doing at home to honour Jesus and the sacrifices He made for us.
  •  We have learned how to do some new things with our Google accounts and the Chromebooks and today students were very excited about creating their own personal blogs.  Watch this space for links to student's blogs next week. 
  • We continue to read the very interesting novel called Wonder, with follow up discussions about acts of kindness. 
  • Have a great weekend and enjoy some quality family time.

Mrs. Marston

Monday, 16 February 2015

A look at what's to come in Week 3

Monday of week 3 has come and gone already!

Students are now getting very familiar with the use of the chrome books and routines have been set in place.  Subject groupings for Maths, Reading and Writing has started as well.

Homework- in terms of homework for this week, students have been asked to work on their draft piece of writing that we started in class.  We are working on writing memoires.

Parent information evening (teacher meet and greet) - Thursday, February 19 - 6:30 pm
Hope to see you there,

Mrs. Marston

Saturday, 14 February 2015

Welcome to the Room 5 blog for 2015.

Welcome everyone to our classroom blog,
What an exciting year this will be for us all.  A year of change, learning, collaboration, and so much fun.  We will share our learning journey with you through this blog as well as the students' individual blogs which will be set up in the near future.
It's only been 9 days and we have done so much already in terms of getting used to our Chrome Books, settling into routines, getting to know one another, and participating in some great outdoor activities.
I look forward to seeing many of you at the teacher meet and greet this week and again at the OLA family picnic evening.
Here are some of the highlights from the first 2 weeks of school.
I look forward to getting to know you better in the next few weeks.

Mrs. Marston