The good news is that the students are posting on their own personal blogs much more regularly and adding reflections to their learning journey. Please do go visit their blogs and leave comments for them as well. You are the audience after all and they appreciate the visit into their learning!
So what has Room 5 been doing for the past few weeks?
Pretty much the same as normal with a bit of that and a bit of this....
In RE being the month of May (for the most part anyway) we have been learning all about Mary. Students have created lessons in groups and are starting to present them to the class. And some lovely Mary art as well.
In Maths, students have been presenting their Data Detective investigations while also working on our Add/Sub Unit.
On wet days we keep sane and active with some fun and games and a bit of dance!
Our class was also very busy sorting out all of the wonderful clothing that was donated by our awesome community for St.Vincent de Paul. Thanks so very much.
Correcting our weekly homework quiz is always a hit. What great research skills they are showing. Well done.
Keep your eye out for the upcoming posts that will be created by our weekly student Bloggers.
Now let's get ready for production! So exciting!