Student Learning Journey Blogs

Friday, 25 September 2015

Fun Week in Room 5

What a great last week we all had.  Thanks Room 4 and 5 for being so wonderful!

Friday, 11 September 2015

A Wonderful Week

A busy but great week this week.  The highlight being the Hillmorton Marae visit.  Everyone enjoyed the sessions and the experience.  Thanks to Harry for putting this video together for us.

Have a nice weekend,


Sunday, 6 September 2015

Information Webs

Students have been reading lots of non-fiction text over the term which has linked in well with our Science investigations.  In reading, they have also been learning to create information webs to help show their understanding of the information presented.  In addition, students have tried using Lucid Charts to make their info webs.  Well done Room 5 for learning how to use another ICT tool all on your own and for helping others get started as well, you are brilliant!