I hope everyone had a very lucky Friday the 13th today!
A few things to note for this week:
1. Congratulations to the students who competed in the zone swim sports this week, you should all be extremely proud.
2. Thank you once again to everyone who made a special effort to organise our Random Act of Kindness today. Thank you for bringing in napkins, ribbons, flowers, etc., but also to everyone for making little cards with a kind message on them.
Room 5 handed out small gifts of flowers and chocolates to the parishioners who attended Friday mass this week. Their smiles, treats and kind words were very much appreciated by the parishioners.
3. This week in Literacy, our focus was on improving our "show, don't tell" writing skills. Students first worked in pairs and shared ideas on how to improve simple sentences. They came up with some amazing and creative examples. (Soon to be published on their blog)
The focus, effort and concentration in the room was amazing! You could hear a pin drop in the room when they went back to their seats to try and transfer this skill in their own memoir writing. Well done Room 5!
Have a great weekend,
Mrs. Marston
good job