Student Learning Journey Blogs

Saturday 7 November 2015

Hard at Work

Today we started our new topic in Maths: Proportions and Ratios.
What do these terms mean?
When would I use this in the real world?
How do I keep things in the right proportions?

See if your kids can answer these questions and check their understanding.

I am making a super duper yummy punch.
The perfect recipe has 2 Cups 7-Up and 3 Cups juice.
But I am having a party and I want 20 cups of punch in total.
How much of each drink do I need?
Lots of great discussion, thinking and collaborating was happening...and maybe a touch of silliness!

Monday 19 October 2015

We've been active!

Well it has been a very busy start to Term 4.
What a fabulous day we had on Friday for our Athletics Day!  Well done Room 5, it was great to see many of you perform to the best of your ability. Sorry, I don't have many photos from this day but from the smiles on their faces, you can tell they had a great time.

Swimming started today and I am sure everyone was exhausted after the session, I was tired just watching them swim.  Groups have now been sorted and the real work now begins.

Tuesday 13 October 2015

We all grow at different rates!

We started our new health topic this term that involves looking at how we change as we grow older.  The class really appreciated discussing some ground rules for discussions and how to make sure everyone feels like they can contribute in a positive manner.  We had a great first session looking at the most adorable photos of each other and trying to guess who was who.  Some have you really tricked us and some of you have you could not hide as your face is so similar to now.
We also looked at the different ways in which we have changed over the years including eye colour, hair colour or texture, and size.

Most importantly is that we all know that we grow at our own pace and we are perfect in the eyes of God just the way we are.

Mrs. Marston

Friday 25 September 2015

Fun Week in Room 5

What a great last week we all had.  Thanks Room 4 and 5 for being so wonderful!

Friday 11 September 2015

A Wonderful Week

A busy but great week this week.  The highlight being the Hillmorton Marae visit.  Everyone enjoyed the sessions and the experience.  Thanks to Harry for putting this video together for us.

Have a nice weekend,


Sunday 6 September 2015

Information Webs

Students have been reading lots of non-fiction text over the term which has linked in well with our Science investigations.  In reading, they have also been learning to create information webs to help show their understanding of the information presented.  In addition, students have tried using Lucid Charts to make their info webs.  Well done Room 5 for learning how to use another ICT tool all on your own and for helping others get started as well, you are brilliant!


Friday 14 August 2015

Our Lady of the Assumption Feast Day

What a lovely day we had today celebrating Our Lady of the Assumption Feast Day with wonderful acts of kindness.  Thank you to all the students and parents who put in a fantastic effort to make this day a great success, but also a HUGE thank you to the Year 8 leaders who organised all the activities.
A really big thank your to the students who washed my car!
The day end with a lovely mass to celebrate the Feast Day of the Blessed Mary.

And thank you to the PTA who organised popsicles for everyone!

Have a great weekend!

Mrs. Marston